Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I don't know what to say

Recently I was staring at my own blog page, wondering..."what to say?"

My brother, peeking over my shoulder, commented that "fresh start" is now "stale start."

Not sure I really know how to help it. I guess I always think blogging sounds fun, and I am delighted when I read blogs by other people. I like hearing about their lives, how they're doing, what they are thinking of, and so on. But when it comes down to it, to actually writing, I get stuck. I think that is what you call writer's block.

So here are a couple things that come to mind when I think, "what shall I put in my blog?"

1) I am waiting for my Mom to come home with pizza for dinner. That is quite ordinary and mostly boring. It only comes to mind because of my hungry tummy, telling me it wants pizza.

2) There is a container, what used to be a plastic salad container, outside my house which now is full of water. This spring some frog decided to make it a nursery for its little tadpoles. Exciting, right? But for a blog...I'm not so sure :)

There has been much advice written for those suffering from writers block. One old and moldy tip is: just start writing. Maybe it will work!